The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is a mile-deep canyon (1.6 km) that bisects the park. Even though the average distance across the canyon is only 10 miles/ 16 km, it takes 5 hours to drive the 215 miles / 346 km between the park’s South Rim Village and the North Rim Village
The North Rim is over 8000 feet/2438 m in elevation.
May 15 - October 15
Restaurants & Groceries
“As dawn leaks into the sky it edits out the stars like excess punctuation marks, deleting asterisks and periods, commas, and semi-colons, leaving only unhinged thoughts rotating and pivoting, and unsecured words.”
― Ann Zwinger,
Downcanyon: A Naturalist Explores the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
The South Rim of Grand Canyon averages 7000 feet/2134 m above sea level.
24/7 365 days a year
Restaurants & Groceries
Map shows services, facilities, shuttle bus routes, and scenic viewpoints.
Map shows services, facilities, shuttle bus routes, and scenic viewpoints.
Read our Trip Planner before you visit the park. Contains useful info and essential maps.
The official Grand Canyon App from the National Park Service provides detailed information.
“The Grand Canyon is living evidence of the power of water over a period of time. The power may not manifest immediately. Water can be very powerful, like a tidal wave.”
- Frederick Lenz
“It is a spectacular illusion – a deeply three-dimensional scene flattened onto an earthly canvas.”
- Stefanie Payne
Summer thunderstorms (July – September) provide beauty, excitement, and much needed water to Grand Canyon, but they also bring risk. Dangerous, potentially deadly, lightning accompanies thunderstorms. Lightning has killed and injured visitors to the park.
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